Seeking SM is a trusted BDSM dominant, submissive and mistress or sugar daddy platform, where we often receive a good number of enquiries from across the world. We collect all them and answer them to solve your queries. Some of the questions related to BDSM, mistress, sex slave, shemale and other queries with answers are here.

Answer – Seeking SM has its presence in China, Australia, Northern America and different other countries with availability of shemale, sex slaves, BDSM escorts, mistress and sugar daddies. You can browse our website to know about us.

Ans – You can choose sex slaves or submissive in Melbourne or even in different cities of China as per your choice from Seeking SM. If you want to invite slaves from other cities or locations, you will have to wear all expenses.

Answer – You as a mistress or woman can hire lesbian submissive to enjoy different activities. Seeking SM has profiles of male sex slaves too.

Answer – From hot and sizzling sex slaves, you will get all activities that you want to enjoy in dominating way. We have provided you details on our pages about different activities that will keep you surprised.

Answer – Ladies that are working as female sex slaves have BDSM tools or sex toys. However, they can carry them on your special request from other sources. There are certain terms and conditions that need to be followed. They can provide sex toys or BDSM tools in the same city only at charges that are required.

Answer – No, sex services – mainly deep penetration is not allowed without condom. You need to keep a condom or female sex slave can arrange for you when she reaches your address.

If you have more questions, you can contact us by filling in online query form.

Email Enquiry

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(first time though the form on the website).